
lunes, 9 de julio de 2012


ABYA YALA / Chile: Manifesto for sovereignty, national day of social mobilization, July 11, 2012

Fecha de publicación en Tlaxcala: 09/07/2012

Chile: Manifesto for sovereignty, national day of social mobilization, July 11, 2012

 "What times we live in, where we have to fight for the obvious!"
To join this call, please write to acciondirecta5@yahoo.com
Exactly 41 years ago, a July 11, 1971, the entire Chilean people defined what it meant to use their real SOVEREIGNTY and through the legal mechanisms in place at that time, nationalized copper, our primary natural resource and cornerstone of our development, "Chile's salary". With that transcendental act we laid the material basis to carry out a quantum leap at all levels of society. This courageous decision affected U.S. interests and that of the whole of imperialism, which did not hesitate a second, in conjunction with Chile's internal reactionaries, to inflict a brutal punishment upon those who had carried out that daring act. In addition, they needed to stop the concrete progress regarding health, education, housing, land reform and other areas made by a popular and social movement on the upswing. 

July 11, 1971: Salvador Allende's speech on the nationalization of copper, in the Plaza of the Heroes of Rancagua

Today, after 39 years of life under a system imposed by blood and fire, which benefits only a handful of families, when all the gains achieved after heroic struggles have been taken away, buried, stamped out or pared down, when all Rights exist only as an ornament on a bogus and illegal Constitution, when we live in a low-intensity democracy, that counters all dissidence, that excludes the masses and protects the privileges of the few, when we see, driven by the uncontrollable appetite of the transnational corporations, a voracious escalation of their theft of our natural resources, when we suffer the effects of denationalized economy, which pays no respect to either the environment, job security or the Rights of the workforce, when we experience the impact of "cultural fadeout," where education and culture are only additions to the "bottom line," to profits, when we perceive that health and welfare and housing are nothing more than an incentive for increasing the profits of a few, we have only one path open: to unite our struggles, our forces, our dreams , our demands, in pursuit of a shared project. We know how we don't want to live, so we have to commit ourselves to coordinate our present and the future, starting now.

Exactly 41 years ago, a concrete action occurred that should oblige us to take action, in unity, to advance what is required to build our SOVEREIGNTY. This is a call to the unorganized, to trade unions, to social, political, student and neighborhood organizations, to those struggling for the right to Sexual Diversity, to retired people, to our migrant brothers and sisters, in short, to those who suffer daily the weight of this predatory economic, political and social system that excludes and marginalizes so many. It is an invitation to the unorganized, to small, medium and large organizations, to demonstrate our unwavering decision to build our SOVEREIGNTY at all levels and take concrete steps to come together to achieve that goal.

We call everyone to mobilize on JULY 11, 2012, to: Renationalize Copper, Water, Lithium, all Natural Resources. No more AFP [Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones: private companies that administer pension funds, created in 1980, Translator’s Note]and ISAPRES [Instituciones de Salud Previsional, private health-insurance system created in 1981, Translator’s Note]. Free Health and Education. For Minimum Wage of 350,000 pesos. No more price hikes.


12 NOON: SANTIAGO, PROTEST AT THE OFFICES OF CODELCO [Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, National Copper Company of Chile]. PASEO HUÉRFANOS 1270.


The success of this initiative depends on all of us who are willing to assume responsibility. We must express our outrage, demonstrating nationally, across all sectors, in a coordinated manner, that we no longer will put up with this bad life. We invite you and your organization to sign on, to commit to the action, to spread the word, to organize, prepare and participate actively.


*Funa : word (from mapudungun, the Mapuche language) designating a Chilean type of protest action that consists of "paying a visit" to criminals and torturers at their homes or where they work, making lots of noise, with banners, placard and leaflets on which the misdeeds of the "funado" are pointed. The participants explain to the criminal's neighbors or co-workers what that person has done.   The funa exists to prevent forgetting the past, to get past social indifference, to end impunity and contribute to truth, justice and true democracy. [Tlaxcala's Note]
This call has until now (new adhesions welcome) been joined by:
Asamblea Nacional por los Derechos Humanos Chile.
Comisión Ética Contra la Tortura V Región. Coordinadora por la Lucha de los Pueblos.
Agrupación Ex PP V Región. Coordinadora por la Lucha de los Pueblos.
Mancomunal del Pensamiento Crítico. Coordinadora por la Lucha de los Pueblos.
Radio Placeres de Valparaíso. Coordinadora por la Lucha de los Pueblos.
Carlos Lemus. Coordinador del Partido de los Trabajadores Viña del Mar-Valparaíso. Coordinadora por la Lucha de los Pueblos.
Coordinadora Anti imperialista V Región. Coordinadora por la Lucha de los Pueblos.
Viña-Valparaíso V Región Convergencia.
Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez V Región. Integrante de la Coordinadora de la Lucha de los Pueblos.
MODATIMA. Movimiento por la Defensa del Acceso al Agua, la Tierra y el Medio Ambiente.
Partido Humanista Araucanía Novena Región.
Jorge Figueroa Zapata. Presidente de la FENATS OCTAVA REGIÓN DEL BIO BIO.
Movimiento por la Asamblea Constituyente Provincia de Curicó.
Egidio Masías Herrera. Director del Sindicato Número 06 de Codelco Chile División El Salvador. Concejal de la Comuna Diego de Almagro.
Luis Mesina Marín. Secretario General de la Confederación Sindicatos Bancarios de Chile.
Patricia Coñoman. Presidenta de la Confederación Nacional Textil.
Aurora Araos Cabezas. Presidenta de la Federación Regional Metropolitana de Salud Municipalizada (FREMESAM).
CUT Zonal Sur Oriente La Florida.
UCT. Unión Clasista de Trabajadores.
Patricio Torres. Sindicalistas del Mundo.
CODESOPO. Comando por los Derechos Sociales y Populares.
Víctor Raúl Paiba Cossíos. Comité de Refugiados Peruanos en Chile.
Pedro Marín Mansilla. Ex Presidente Federación Minera de Chile.
Nelson Aquiles Soto Aguilera. Ex-Consejero Nacional Federación de Trabajadores del Cobre Codelco Chile División Andina.
Mario Osses. Ex Asesor Presidencial de Salvador Allende.
Jorge Lavandero Illanes. Promotor de la Renacionalización del Cobre.
Alejandro Díaz. Académico de la Universidad Central.
Nilda Correa Vives. Directora de Revista “La Palabra”, Socia N° 1525 de la SECH. Coordinadora en la RM, Rancagua y Curicó de POETAP Poetas de la Tierra y Amigos de la Poesía, en Chile.
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Populares COP.
Rebeca Godoy. Trovadora. Artista del Campo Popular.
Francisco Villa. Músico-Trovador.
Jean Gutiérrez E, El Gato. Cantor y Musiquero.
Prensa Grafica Callejera.
Miguel Edwards Rosas. Poeta.
Renato Villar. Ciudadano de a pie.
Revista “Vamos a Andar”. Patricio Morales.
Diana Cordero y Equipo de Redacción de Insurrectas y Punto.
Raúl Blanchet. Consejo Nacional de Comités Comunistas.
Danilo Monteverde Reyes. Partido Humanista de Chile.
Eduardo Artés. Primer Secretario del Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria) PC (AP). Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria) PC (AP).
Brigada Salvador Allende BRISA.
Patricio Cid. Movimiento Asamblea del Pueblo (MAP)
Estudiantes Socialistas Revolucionarios.
Inquietando Desde el Margen.
Revolución Proletaria.
Movimiento Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez.
Socialismo Revolucionario.
Comité de Unidad Revolucionaria.
Movimiento de los Pueblos y los Trabajadores MPT (ARCO-PT-MAPU).
Víctor Toro Ramírez. Dirigente Social en el Bronx. Militante Histórico del MIR.
Nieves Ayres. Bronx.
Colectivo Miguel Enríquez. NY EEUU.
Movimiento de la Peña del Bronx.
Coalición 1ero de Mayo.
Colectivo Acción Directa.

Gracias a: Tlaxcala
Fuente: http://acciondirectachile.blogspot.com/2012/07/ricardo-acevedo-almonacid-andha.html
Fecha de publicación del artículo original: 01/07/2012
URL de esta página en Tlaxcala: http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=7700

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